
Profantasy adding a key
Profantasy adding a key

Amazing how kids loved it with the different name! For adults we had two beverages, one similar to a mimosa and another a sangria. We used organic green veggie juice for kids and labeled it as Dragon’s Blood. We placed healthy snacks in various locations. I brought down my colossal, gargantuan, and huge dragon DDM minis and placed them on the mantlepiece and other locations high up (so kids would see them but not grab them).

#Profantasy adding a key how to

This was easy! We placed on our coffee table our various dragon and monster books (our kids dig A Practical Guide to Dragons, Dragonology: The Complete Book of Dragons, How to Trap a Zombie, Track a Vampire, and Other Hands-On Activities for Monster Hunters: A Young Wizards Handbook, and Encyclopedia Mythologica: Dragons and Monsters Pop-Up. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to have a LARP (Live Action Role-Playing) styled event where kids really used their imagination. We focus on creative opportunities and always ditch anything electronic or overly toy based. Our general approach is to have a few artistic activities to let kids find something that interests them, then a central activity that is the main event, and then cake. My wife and I started planning about a month in advance. For his 7th birthday party my son chose Dragons! I could not be happier. Our kids have chosen some cool themes in the past: race cars, faeries, art, horses.

profantasy adding a key

We don’t actually have doppelgangers as friends. Also, I’ve blurred the kids’ faces so as to protect their identities.

profantasy adding a key

I share the following in hopes it inspires, but please adjust to your level of sanity. At times we’ve gone a bit far (cutting out edible fruit arrangements for my daughter’s party was gorgeous but insane work, for example). We often take an unconventional approach to the parties, trying to create experiences that show the kids something new. My wife and I go overboard on birthday parties. Which kid-decorated castle would you rather lay siege to, chocolate or vanilla?

Profantasy adding a key